Aug 10, 2009

Weekend Wind Down :o(

It was great to have a three day weekend, and with Labor Day approaching, I know there is another one in our not too distant future. A strategic use of a vacation day may squeeze another one in there somewhere :o)

After performing our duties as citizens on Saturday (attended a Congress Corner with our congressman), meeting a fellow blogger on Saturday evening (Hi Jamie, Shawn, Jazz, and Evan :o), watching golf on the telly Sunday (go Tiger!), and a great concert last night - Alice Cooper RAWKS!!!, today was a ketchup day :o)

Today, I went and did some banking, trimmed some bushes, mowed the lawn, made a garbage can patio [What is that Ken you may ask yourself, and that is why there is a picture to the left :o)], and did some letter writing and home finance/budget chores. Beth has a roast going, and we will most likely scrounge up a bottle of red wine, pop in a movie, and have a relaxing evening.

Hope your Monday was tolerable, and that your week is a good one. Is it Friday yet?


  1. Thanks for a great weekend! Sorry to see it end. :(

  2. hi Beth and Ken!
    I'm so happy that you two had a great weekend!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend for one of my all time favorite couples! The two of you make be believe in romance.

    Nice photo of the garbage can patio. Thanks for the enlightenment!

  4. Hi Ken,
    Wow ... even your garbage can has a patio all to itself. Ahhhh, to be a Nutwood Garbage can, that's the life!

  5. Glad y'all had a nice weekend. :) It never lasts long enough does it? Very good on the garbage can patio, love it. I saw where y'all met up with Jamie and her family and the pics on Beths blog, that is really cool. It is always special to meet fellow bloggers! Nope, its not Friday yet, but I am looking for it!


Tell Me What You Think, Don't Make me go Rogue on you :o)