Nov 5, 2008

Stud Muffin, NOT :o)

Here I am, in a hotel in Cedar Rapids, and my timing is immaculate :o)

The knock comes on the door, I mumble "just a minute", as I move the iron to a safe place.

I open the door to receive my shrimp cocktail, fried calamari, and cool amber beverages; with a slight flush on my cheeks, because you see, I am ironing my shirts for the next three days.

Using the iron is nothing new to me, I have used it many times on my travels and in my previous life, but having room service come-a-calling while it was in use is a new one on me :o)

Miss Ginger, I make this entry for you; Hugs.....


  1. Shrimp cocktail, fried calamari, and 'cool amber beverages'.... WOW!! You're having a great time away, aren't you!!?? LOL!! Enjoy!!

  2. As soon as we arrive at our desintation hotel, I iron our clothes! I used to iron, then pack, but I'd have to re-iron so I just pack wrinkly clothes! Um, I assume you were wearing clothes when you opened the door ;)

  3. Iron? Is that some new fangled contraption? I'm unfamiliar with an iron. Oh yeah, my mother used to make me use one in my misbegotten youth. If you stand by the dryer and gram the clothes the moment that it stops, an quickly put them on hangers, then your iron can also become obsolete! (I am so non-domesticated)

  4. LOL at Sheria's comment. I've been known to throw clothes back into the laundry if too wrinkled!

    Miss you!

  5. Inviting picture you paint. Ah life.

  6. I have a travel iron incase the hotel doesn't supply one. It's ok to be unwrinkled some of the time! Dannelle

  7. You paint a lovely picture ~ you standing there doing the Ironing ~ when you have finished could you pop over here I have a pile that needs doing :o) Ally x

  8. Well it sure sounds like you are eating well while you are away! I hate to iron, care to start an ironing service? LOL.

  9. Beth is getting so popular while you're gone I think she should run for President against Mrs. Palin next time around. Then you would be first man and not have to go on these trips.

  10. At least you know how to use an Iron...I do but tend to find myself doing Sheria's trick. (Hugs)Indigo

  11. That's funny - I can imagine room service seeing the iron and then looking around. Hey, someone's got to do it.



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