Jul 28, 2010

Science Scene - Smart Hydrant

Among the companies entering the smart hydrant field, SmartHydrant notes that a smart hydrant can reduce waste by identifying leaks far more quickly and efficiently than current methods permit. Though utilities regularly monitor known trouble spots such as major intersections, a small leak can still go undetected for long periods of time, until it becomes large enough to disrupt water pressure, undermine pavement, or cause a major rupture in the pipe. A smart hydrant can provide daily monitoring across the system. That can also help reduce the utility’s carbon footprint, by helping leak detection crews operate more efficiently. Smart hydrants can also alert utilities to unauthorized hydrant openings.



  1. Nice post. I've heard of these Ken, but never actually seen one. We will need them, and there conserving abilities more and more.

  2. Hi.
    March 13, 2011.

    We're a lot closer to product finalization, and pilot projects. A few disappointments with other mfgrs., who were initially supposed to provide a major integral component, and have suddenly decided it would not be to their advantage.

    Also note, small, hidden leaks account for at least 80% of a utility's water loss, but main breaks make the news. I.E. a single 10 gpm service line leak runs an average of 24 months before it's repaired - UNLESS the utility is proactive in water loss control, and most are not. All of them are re-active, but only a few are pro-active.

    Bud Reed
    BudR @ b3oTek . com


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