Nov 15, 2010

Tips to Transition from SME to Supervision

In your previous position you did a great job. You were the recognized subject matter expert (SME), and now you have been promoted.  Hopefully, you're smart enough to know the skills that made you a great team player won't necessarily make you a great supervisor. For any new supervisor, training is key to success in this role.

It's not enough to follow directions ... now you must give directions about what gets done, when, and by whom. 

It's not enough that your projects are accurate and one time ... you have to help others keep their projects on track, and see that everyone works together.

It's not enough to focus only on your department ... suddenly you're a member of the management team. Your new peers will expect you to have a broader perspective, including other departments.

It's not enough to keep yourself motivated ... you have to be a coach, cheerleader, and "strong shoulder" to people who have bad days, conflicts with each other, and demands that you might not be able to satisfy.



  1. I feel just barely supervisable today.

  2. And I am using a similiar idea to govern my day-to-day, as it will eventually become a weekly thing and continue until it becomes my habit.

  3. I agree with Barbara! :0)

    Sorry Ive been away for soooo long!! Did ya miss me?

    Ive made another entry and Im gonna start blogging again!

  4. On the other hand, some days it's nice to just shove your head in the sink and turn the water on.

  5. I know a few former bosses who could use this.


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