Dec 5, 2011


Here are some tips to encourage concise and effective communication:
  • Be clear about what you need. Don’t expect your team to guess. 
  • Teach your team how to communicate. While you can’t control every word that comes out of your team members’ mouths, you can establish standards of what is appropriate.
  • Have frequent in-person updates. No, you shouldn’t do your team’s work for them, you should get regular (and of course, succinct!) updates.
  • Use your negatives sparingly. If you frequently start each communication with negatives, your team will come to see you as a knucklehead, and they’ll start to ignore your message altogether.
  • Look in the mirror. The golden rule definitely applies to leadership and business. It’s always a good idea to treat your team as grown-ups and make them partners in whatever you’re doing.


  1. The number one priority... Take the guesswork out of it. AGREE 100%.

  2. Good stuff. BUT the picture reminds me of my first mail order rip off.
    At 10 I Ordered a set of walkie talkies. Advertised, NOT PLASTIC AND IS WIRELESS COMMUNICATE WITH FRIENDS.
    When the package arrived at the PO i could hardly wait. Bummer.. It was not plastic, but paper cups, it was wireless, string was enclosed.
    Some of us learn early!!! Thanks for a good read anyway!!!!


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